Which field are you about to play this spring?
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Which field are you about to play this spring?
These days, the mild weather puts us in a spring mood. "Play the field," an advert from a sports fashion line in the Financial Times, inspired some thoughts in me about what it could mean for us in our careers and lives.
Spring is a great time to look at our careers and decide where we want to go next. There are so many paths we can take: moving up in our jobs, learning new skills, starting our own business, or just getting better at what we do. The important part isn't just what path you choose, but how you walk it. That's where courage comes in.
Courage means going for it, even when it's scary. It's about finally making that big change, taking on more responsibility, learning something new, or even deciding to work in a new country. It's playing the game knowing that you're giving it your all.
How do you find the courage to take that step? Start by thinking about what you're good at and what you need to work on. Make clear goals. Get ready like an athlete does for a sport—learn what you need to know and find people who can support and help you.
This spring, it's not just about winning right away. It's about laying the groundwork. It's about embracing change, taking chances, and pushing yourself. Whether you're working on a new project, leading a team, or starting your own thing, every step is a chance to grow.
Let your courage push you forward. Pick your path, go after it with everything you've got, and start sowing the seeds for your success, fulfilment, and happiness this year.
In the end, what you learn and how you grow are what matter most. So, my question to you again: "Which field are you about to play this spring?" Think of it as not just competing but as a chance to grow and get better. Choose wisely and play with all your heart! ❤️
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