“Quiet Quitting“ versus “Quitting Courageously and Loudly“
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“Quiet Quitting“ versus “Quitting Courageously and Loudly“
The term of “Quiet Quitting” has been spreading across social media over the past few months.
What is it? Well it is not about slacking off at work, but it is about setting boundaries and not doing extra work without fair compensation. It’s about remaining in workplace but not actively going above and beyond.
Why? Simply because the pandemic pushed people to reflect and re-evaluate their priorities and reassess work. Why work more and go the extra mile without any appreciation from the employers? Employees want to be heard by leading a kind of “silent revolution.”
Well, dear "Quiet Quitters", I believe that work is a two-way street, and it needs engagement, commitment and extra effort from the employer as well as the employee if both parties are to benefit. If one or the other party does not comply with the expectations, at some point an imbalance is caused with related consequences.
At the end of the day, life is too short to work half-heartedly, to not engage fully, or to not use your full potential and thrive.
From the courage perspective, “Quiet Quitting“ is a choice driven by the comfort zone and in the long term leads to dissatisfaction and a feeling unfulfilled.
The more valid choice is the one driven by your courage and bravery and can include initiatives from your side such as:
Talking to your employer clearly about expectations and boundaries - what is ok, what is not ok.
Not letting things happen to you, but making them happen.
Making best use of your entire resource pool and its potential. Craft your job!
Saying NO in order to be able to say YES to better and more suitable opportunities and projects for yourself.
Driving your next career steps within the organisation by taking the lead.
Learning and improving your competencies and skillset.
Asking for fair and competitive compensation.
Choosing what is right over what is easy and comfortable.
And more…
Lastly, if things still do not work out as expected, then yes, go for it... Quit courageously and loudly, move forward and pursue your next career step within a different organisation and for a job you are passionate about. Find a place where you can give 100 %, engage fully and be rewarded accordingly whether on a monetary or non-monetary basis.
Let’s take this opportunity to be reminded that courage is always a choice. When used wisely it contributes to your progress and success. If in doubt, take some moments and think about your career path so far. Which success stories have you been able to achieve by using your courage muscles? And which opportunities and chances have you missed by choosing comfort over courage? A simple exercise to test your courage awareness.
By “Quiet Quitting“ and not communicating what you want, you are not going to get what you want! Let’s talk and see where you can get with the power of your courage: contact