Let’s opt for courage and stop fear becoming a pandemic…
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Let’s opt for courage and stop fear becoming a pandemic…
In times of crisis fear is more contagious than ever. It takes only one person to start spreading the fear virus and it will spread very quickly and actively to more people than we think. In fact it is comparable to a pandemic. Fear can hijack our emotions.
Let’s acknowledge our fear as a natural human instinct with the aim to protect us. This does not mean that it has got a free ticket to influence our lives. So let’s stand against it and prevent it to be the driver of actions and thoughts.
Courage is a free resource available to us all. The same could also be said for fear. Opt for courage. Now is the time to train our courage muscles, develop a strong mindset, draw from it and courageously prepare for the future. Whenever you find yourself sitting in the “fear chair” GET UP literally and go and select a different chair and make it your “courage chair” and sit there instead! Start reflecting, thinking and acting from there and move forward.
Courage is a choice for all of us. Even more so in times of crisis.
For more courage visit: www.takethecourage.com