It takes courage to walk the unbeaten path…
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It takes courage to walk the unbeaten path…
It is one of my passions to walk in the forest, to enjoy the richness and energy of nature, to admire the varieties of trees and greenery. Forests provide the perfect environment for me to reflect, meditate, become creative and develop ideas.
So, I spend quite a lot of time high up in the forest near where we live.
The other day they were remaking the walkways, as they do every year, in order to provide the general public with safe and convenient routes through the forest. These pathways are paved with small stones, and over time the traffic ie. people, horses, dogs and other animals using the forest, dislodge the small stones.
Looking at the work going on, I had to smile and it made me wonder what it would be like if these pathways did not exist. What if they inspired and encouraged people to create and discover their own walkways instead of following the ready made ones? (Naturally always ensuring the protection of the forest). What if there were fewer sign posts in the forest, thus allowing people to develop their own sense of direction and to navigate through the forest unaided? (I know, I know, one can always rely upon google maps ☺)
What would happen if we were to take this idea a step further and apply it to the way we work? As employees we are far too used to sign posted walk ways e.g. following processes, guidelines, frame works, set objectives etc. We tend to be trapped within certain parameters. We always have to consider a lot of does and don’ts. We find ourselves too absorbed in the daily routine. We are too accustomed to the way things are always done, so much so, that we neglect to take the courage to challenge the status quo, to navigate unbeaten paths, to be creative and to move forward in different ways.
The same applies when it comes to our career paths and professional futures. There are a lot of discussions about “New Work”, new ways of working, dynamic career paths etc. Right now the traditional linear career paths are still dominating the professional world. Certainly it is only a question of time until more employers and employees change their perspective and start to live “New Work”. One thing is certain “New Work” brings invaluable opportunities, but requires the courage to think, rethink, learn, relearn, unlearn, create and redefine work. It requires the courage to take the unbeaten path, be it as an employer or as an employee.
In a nutshell, whoever wants to future proof their professional life will need the courage to leave the well maintained and recognised walk ways. A successful and fulfilled future will be created thanks to an infinite and open mindset toward un-known possibilities and to having the courage to explore undiscovered shores.
Keen to find the courage to take the unbeaten path to progress your career? Let’s talk: Contact