The new year is here - a fresh start with 12 months full of opportunities. Every year is a chance to create something new, set goals, and move forward with purpose. For 2025, I thought about numerology. For those who may not know, numerology dates back...
This year, I want to dedicate my holiday message to those who faced challenges in 2024, specially, to those searching for jobs, who gave their best to achieve their goals but fell short...
As autumn arrives and the year-end approaches, many professionals find themselves preparing for annual performance evaluations. For some, this process feels like an obligation, filled with anxiety or frustration. From my work as a career coach, I’ve seen how fear often holds individuals back during these evaluations...
As autumn arrives and the year-end approaches, many professionals find themselves preparing for annual performance evaluations. For some, this process feels like an obligation, filled with anxiety or frustration. From my work as a career coach, I’ve seen how fear often holds individuals back during these evaluations...
Throughout my career as an HR Leader, executive and career coach, and consultant, I have worked with countless leaders and engaged in numerous conversations with them about their philosophies on leadership and their roles as leaders. These discussions have deepened my understanding of what makes leadership truly effective and meaningful...
Throughout my career as an HR Leader, executive and career coach, and consultant, I have worked with countless leaders and engaged in numerous conversations with them about their philosophies on leadership and their roles as leaders. These discussions have deepened my understanding of what makes leadership truly effective and meaningful...
Job crafting offers a refreshing approach to enhancing your role at work. It allows you to take control and reshape your job in ways that align with your unique skills, passions, and strengths. This proactive strategy helps you feel a greater sense of ownership and excitement about your work, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling professional life...
Today I am sharing something special. Recently, one of my executive coaching clients achieved his goal and found his desired job in a new industry. It was a challenging journey, as the job market and employers often box you into your past roles. However, my client started his new job this month...
With Zurich expecting some warm and sunny days this week, I wanted to share a lakeside story that stuck with me as an example of stepping out of one's comfort zone and never giving up..
Starting a career transition goes beyond just changing jobs - it's a big journey of self-transformation. It's about redefining our aspirations, and aligning our professional path with our authentic selves. But what does it truly mean to embody self-transformation in a career transition? And why is it so important?
These days, the mild weather puts us in a spring mood. "Play the field," an advert from a sports fashion line in the Financial Times, inspired some thoughts in me about what it could mean for us in our careers and lives...
Going for the choice that seems the scariest is really about courage. It involves taking a close look at what frightens you, asking the big, important questions, and figuring out if these choices might actually lead to something great...
As the holiday season is here, it's got me thinking. In my work as a coach, I often talk about courage - like the courage to chase dreams, lead, or adapt to change. But today, I want to focus on a different kind of courage...
As the holiday season is here, it's got me thinking. In my work as a coach, I often talk about courage - like the courage to chase dreams, lead, or adapt to change. But today, I want to focus on a different kind of courage...
In our professional journeys, we navigate our own walkways moving from one place to another, aiming for progress, success, happiness, and fulfilment. These walkways represent opportunities for growth, choices, and progress...
Feeling stuck as the year ends can be daunting, but it’s time to muster your courage and hold onto your confidence. These last two months are your chance to push ahead with a renewed spirit and fresh resolve...
Let's talk career change. As a career coach, I've worked with many people taking the bold step towards new careers. What drives this? Well, it's a mix of reasons, and it takes a good dose of courage...
Success, a word we all know and strive for, but what does it really mean in the context of our careers? The path to success is as diverse as the individuals on it. What may be the highest point of achievement for one person could be just the beginning for another. Success is deeply personal and should be celebrated as such...
Our careers are personal journeys, each with unique destinations, goals, and dreams. Initially, we envision a straight line as the most direct route to success. However, as we start on this path, we quickly discover that it isn't always as straightforward as we'd like...
Positioning yourself courageously within your organisation despite on-going restructurings can be a challenging task. However, it is possible to maintain a positive and courageous attitude even during times of organisational chaos...
In the age of New Work, the workplace environment is becoming increasingly dynamic, competitive, and unpredictable in many ways. To stay ahead of the curve, you must be able to take risks, think outside the box, and act with courage. Courage helps you to break out of your comfort zone and achieve what you want to achieve...
Taking calculated risks is a part of career success. Whether you are looking to make a career change, be more productive in your current role, or take on new challenges, having the courage to take risks is essential. Without taking risks, it can be difficult to make progress and get ahead in your career...
Making the decision to switch jobs or to pursue a new career path can be daunting. Fear of the unknown and worry about what will happen can keep us stuck, unable to take that first step. However, we can tap into the power of courageous decision-making to tackle the challenge of career transition...
The importance of networking in career success is undeniable. Networking is a powerful tool to build relationships, exchange ideas, and open doors to new opportunities. Sustainable networking is an even more powerful tool that can help you set yourself up for long-term career success.
For mass restructurings employers usually choose to work with big outplacement service providers. However ‘one fit for all’ standard support packages cannot handle the individual needs of each employee affected by restructuring…
Focussing on what you cannot control, dear job seekers, causes fear and anxiety and absorbs your energy. It takes your focus from what you can influence and makes you concentrate on the things than you can't. It leads to the desire to maintain the status quo and deprives you from realising your real potential...
"During the Christmas season, hearts come closer." As you might know, the root of the word courage is cor – which is the Latin word for heart. When the hearts come closer, in a figurative sense, it also means for me that people courageously and sincerely dedicate themselves to the people they love...
I have been reflecting on my work with my clients and wanted to see which were the most common topics covered during my coaching sessions. Which topics were most present. One topic, which showed up as a challenge over and over again for most of my clients, is how they perceived the way in which to achieve their goals and how they dealt with the experiences on the way...
Let’s take a step back and look at the qualities of courage as a whole: Courage is a kind of supreme discipline among values. Courage is a choice and is available to all of us in our personal and professional lives. A choice that helps us to face our fears and act despite them...
"The future is what does not yet exist. Therefore, the future is never real, but an imagination in our heads. A thought construct that we create today, in the here and now. And even the one moment in which we have just imagined a future for ourselves, we cannot fix it..."
From the courage perspective, “Quiet Quitting“ is a choice driven by the comfort zone and in the long term leads to dissatisfaction and a feeling unfulfilled. The more valid choice is the one driven by your courage and bravery...
There are different ways to pursue a new beginning from a courage perspective. I believe that a conventional new orientation process is still valid but can be limited by the requirements of the current working world...
This summer, let’s make it a special summer reflection and look at achievements and also failures from a COURAGE point of view. Could you have achieved a bigger impact, made more progress and felt the satisfaction and happiness you had hoped for by using your courage muscles even more?...
Off to the comfort zone - really? Talking from a courage point of view, it is usually all about leaving your comfort zone in order to progress, expand and grow to achieve a higher level of success and satisfaction...
Now, how about looking at 'The Great Resignation' from a courage point of view? 'The Great Resignation' is an ACTION en masse. It is a movement with a ripple effect. I would also say a ripple effect of encouragement.
Let me ask you a question: How many times have you missed opportunities and chances in your professional life just because you were waiting for everything to be perfect?
Spring is metaphorically a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. If nature can do it, then why shouldn't human beings be able to do it too! It is all a question of mindset and determination...
As much as this cycle depends on the employer and the way in which employees are welcomed, onboarded, integrated, given chances and opportunities to develop, being trusted, promoted etc, it can be equally driven and influenced by you as an employee...
What is usually given, is that the people who have taken the lead, set their goals and set a clear direction, do not hold themselves back regardless of uncertainties due to the pandemic or any other reasons. They are eager to move forward and have automatically made the choice to level up their courage....
What a year! I certainly think that we have earned the right to say that after surviving a second year of the pandemic. It was a challenging year in many ways for all of us, but it was also a year in which we were all able to move forward and progress despite the difficulties....
The year end reflection is a special one. For most people it is associated with the unique excitement that only a new year can bring. While most people opt to drive the reflection process rationally, they forgo the precious research and learnings that they could have discovered had they opted for a more emotional approach.
Do you sacrifice your identity and who you truly are for the sake of becoming the person your environment, your employers, supervisors and those who have the power, want you to be?
Do you sacrifice your identity and who you truly are for the sake of becoming the person your environment, your employers, supervisors and those who have the power, want you to be?
Thursday, September 16th was a very special day for me. The time had come. We celebrated the Courage Award ceremony with the three finalists and many viewers via livestream...
You have the choice and can opt to realize your career goals for the rest of the year from a status quo and comfort perspective, or from a “courage up” perspective. What I mean by “couraging up“ is to upgrade your courage levels...
Today’s blog is a bit different. I have just finished reading the book “The Café on the Edge of the World” otherwise known as the “Why Café” by the American author John Strelecky. What an inspiring book, handling challenging life questions in a simple story telling style, touching, humorous and vividly written...
Whoever wants to be future prove in their life & work, will need courage to leave paved and well-known walk ways. Successful and fulfilled futures are to be built with an infinite and open mindset toward un-known possibilities and undiscovered shores...
Just one single courageous act, be it big or small, is needed to get started. One single act that gives us the confidence to get out and make things happen. By doing so we plant the first seeds for those courage roots to start growing...
I see failure as an essential ingredient on the way to success. As much as our success stories provide us with a base upon which to create our future, our failure stories do so too. Failure isn't really a failure, failure is about learning...
A couple of weeks ago I attended a ‘giant’ virtual event: “ Unleash The Power Within” by Tony Robbins, the well-known American author, coach, speaker, and philanthropist. What a show! Yes, I think calling it a show would be an appropriate description. It brought together circa 70,000 people from all around the world...
This blog is inspired by the bestselling book of Marshall Goldsmith, one of the world’s best leadership coaches and leadership thinkers, “What Got You Here – Won’t Get You There”...
While the framework of your year-end reflection can be the same as usual this year, there are some questions you could add to take all the special lessons learned and your atypical development into consideration.
How often do you experience this kind of gap? The gap between what you wish to do, i.e. your courageous visions and goals and reality i.e your courageous actions? A reality where your courageous thoughts keep being added to the “To Do list”.
At the beginning of October I had the opportunity to talk about courage at the “We Tech Together Conference” organised by “The conference brings together female tech communities to empower, engage and celebrate women in tech.”
The art of being able to communicate courageously, with self-confidence and to the point, plays an essential role as we move forward professionally. At the end of the day, if we do not say what want and do not communicate it in the correct way, we will not get what we want...
First of all let’s remind ourselves that not all courageous people were handed their courage in the cradle. Some of them were born with it and others not. Some had to learn it, maybe even the hard way. Some had to start training under developed courage muscles until they got stronger...
Yes indeed, it takes a lot of courage to take yourself off autopilot, to push that pause button and to take THAT break.The kind of break I am talking about is a quality break. It is summer and we have all had to face the challenge of living our lives during a pandemic and it is not over yet...
Which are your sources of courage? This question leads us to a main reflection: Does courage come from within us or is it external? I have been researching this topic. Opinions differ. Many people struggle to answer the question at all, which is fair enough. It sounds kind of philosophical...
How will your work post-Corona be impacted? Which challenges will the industry you work in be facing? What will be the impact of the crisis on the organisation you work for? How will the job markets develop? These and similar questions are on the minds of most of the workers and employees at all levels.
In times of crisis we tend to allow fear to take over, we feel blocked, we freeze and concentrate on negative emotions and thoughts. Courage role models can help us to take countermeasures and become the master of our own actions and thoughts...
In times of crisis fear is more contagious than ever. It takes only one person to start spreading the fear virus and it will spread very quickly and actively to more people than we think. In fact it is comparable to a pandemic. Fear can hijack our emotions...
No matter what is currently floating around in your head, you can influence whether or not your ideas will remain dreams, or whether or not you decide to take the courage to put them into practice and achieve the career success you want.
It is that time of year again, when we reflect back, ‘What did I achieve this year?’ Did I achieve my goals? Did I do what I wanted? And what if I didn’t?
"Willpower is the ability to do what matters most, even when it’s difficult, or when some part of you doesn’t want to. It is the ability to align yourself with the brain system that is thinking about long term goals – that is thinking about big values rather than short-term needs or desires.”
It’s amazing no matter in which events I participate, which discussions I join, or which articles I read related to future of work, there is a call for courage everywhere...
“I’ve never tried that before, but I am sure I can do it.” So simple and clear. It comes directly from one’s confidence and courage zone. When did you last dare to make such a statement?
Time flies indeed! Sven full months of 2019 are over. It is a good time to take a summer break, refuel but also look back at your commitments and achievements. What about all those enthusiastically set goals for the year? Your new-year resolution?
Commitment to achieve our objectives is actually the second act. The first act is to build the foundation of such a commitment. That’s where the power comes from.
Efficient time management is one of the key success factors in the new orientation process. I hear a lot of job seekers complaining about their lack of progress. There are many reasons for this, but often, when we dig deeper, poor time management and lack of focus stand out most.
I compare a lack of self-trust as being similar to not feeling solid ground under your feet. It feels as if you are suspended mid air, just floating around and not able to get to where you want to. Having strategies to regain our self-trust after setbacks and failures is certainly as important as nurturing our self-trust.
I believe that the key to unlearning is to adopt the mindset that we need to let go of old ideas, skills and experiences that are no longer of any use. Unlearning and creating ‘white space’ opens doors for creativity and encourages new, innovative valuable and exciting ideas.
Historically society regards courage as very much a female topic, whether it be with reference to one’s private or professional life. An enormous number of events, seminars and speeches are offered specifically to women on this topic worldwide...
I believe that every one has his/her definition of success. For me success has so many different facets. At one point in time it could be the achievement of a big goal and at another point in time it could be having the courage to take that first small step...
Finding a new job, in today’s job market especially after long years of having been in the same job and with the same employer can be very challenging. Many job seekers tend to find themselves in a kind of “dampened down" and fearful mood when the process drags on...
The other day we gathered together a group of people in career transition. We provided a “safe zone“ for participants to talk about anything and everything related to their career transition.
The working world in the 4th industrial revolution - the digital age - offers tremendous opportunities and chances. These opportunities and chances are not just handed out randomly to any one and every one.
I took some time and went through my clients’ success stories from 2018 and summarised what helped them to move forward. Here is a brief overview to inspire you to make it happen in 2019. If they can do it, then you can do it too.
May you have a great year full of happiness, health, peace, joy, success and of course COURAGE. A year in which you nurture real relationships and do not depend on “likes” in social media for your happiness.
Dear job seekers, it is about time to slowly finalise your activities, unless you are somewhere in the middle of a hiring process or a positive surge towards achieving your goal despite the year coming to a close. It is about time to take the courage to do the following...
For me, vulnerability is as much a key for success as confidence. It is the other side of the coin. Coming from a vulnerable position enables us to achieve much more impact and to develop our confidence even more.
Unfortunately being courageous or taking the courage to act in a particular way does not come naturally to everybody. Therefore asking for permission to be allowed to, or to be permitted to do something comes first on the agenda of many people...
“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way...” The art is first of all to have or to develop the will power, determination, commitment and courage to stand by what we really want.
Does this feel right or wrong? Should you do it or not? Should you go for it or rather wait? There are always situations, in which one is not prepared enough for a certain challenge...
How often have you been aiming to achieve something, wanting to move forward in some way or other, but missing the right people around you? Those who could inspire, motivate you and give you the confidence that you can do it.
I love swimming in the lake in the summer. It is one of my great passions to spend time by the water early in the morning when nobody is around. I simply watch and enjoy the quiet water surface for a while, do some yoga, meditate and then swim my regular route.
Constant action needs energy and drive. Without stopping from time to time, you miss strengthening the foundation for your actions, specially if you are constantly submerged in work and rarely treat yourself to some quality time off, e.g. a proper summer break.
Take the courage to move forward Jim Rohn’s style, always focusing on the power of purpose, self-confidence, enthusiasm, expertise, preparation, self-reliance, your image and character, self-discipline and the power of extraordinary performance…
The other day “Champyourself” the slogan of a personal training concept caught my eye. I think it’s really cool. You too? What comes to mind if you think about how you could “Champyourself”?
“Having arrived” is good, but is not good enough. “Having arrived” is one possible interim step, but there are “still places to go”, more to discover, more to create, more to make happen.
“Today’s Visionaries, Tomorrow’s Future… The visionaries, luminaires and champions who push the boundaries and constantly set new standards for achievement. Leading by example, they inspire the world.” Rolex
I had an inspiring discussion the other day, one of my countless discussions about courage, with one of my mentors. We discussed how much courage really pays off and I would like to encourage you to reflect how much your courage has had or is having an effect on your ability to make progress?
I came across a video on the future of work produced by the BBC the other day ( It certainly made an impression, so much so that I would like to share some of my thoughts about it with you...
The future means a disruptive job market, disruptive jobs, new skill sets, new educational channels, great opportunities and numerous possibilities to form our careers, perhaps not all of them relevant to us, but certainly to our children and grand children.
How often have you had this inner voice whispering to you, giving you a good or bad feeling about something, giving you direction and yet you have decided to take the rational approach? How often have you said to yourself: “If I had only justlistened to myself?”
Resilience is a quality we all have and it is just a question of strengthening our resilience by using it more often. Keep getting up and trying again despite all the difficulties, do not lose our optimism, accept the facts and take responsibility for ourself...
Automation and Artificial Intelligence are affecting our professional lives. They are changing the nature of work fundamentally…We keep hearing and reading such statements on a daily basis. The uncharted future seems to be connected with so many uncertainties and fears. But how does one get future-ready?
My number one quote on courage is the one by the American actress, Ruth Gordon: “Courage is like a muscle, it is strengthened by use”. We tend to classify very strictly between those who are courageous and those who are not. I go along with Ruth Gordon and inspire people to work constantly on their courage muscles...
It may be a bit harsh, but in my experience this is frequently the way in which many job seekers try to secure themselves a position. Presenting themselves as being too desperate, too flexible, too available and “cheap”, they forget about their beliefs and values and what they really want.
Before you jump into setting goals, be brave, take a step back and reflect. “ Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful” as Margaret J. Wheatley the American author says.
"A New Year, a Fresh Start and a choice of options to move forward.” I wish you and your loved ones a great and courageous year, in which you dare to move forward and get where you want to be, be it professionally or in your private life.
With the era of digitalisation our lives are faster and busier than ever before.The need to be online and available, connected and in action modus seems to be governing our lives. So besides wishing you a very Merry Christmas full of peace, joy and love, I wish you all more quality time, more relaxed and offline time...
Today I would like to dedicate a few lines to those job seekers who have been pursuing their job search process with a lot of focus, energy and drive. To those who did not shy away from hard work, who kept going the extra mile and who were not afraid to adopt unconventional methods.
Assumptions are a starting point for an action or inaction. I have been watching job seekers and people in career transition often holding themselves back from “moving forward” by making assumptions. Be it for whatever reason they cannot or do not want to take the courage to look for...
Five years on, I look back and smile about a lot of things, about all the things that I have learned and experienced, about the courage required to stick to my path in order to be where I am today. I had my share of ups and downs, happy and sad moments, hectic and “slow” times. Over all, I would do it again, maybe a little more wisely but certainly more courageously.
We all know the story of the Chicken and the Egg. Courage and confidence are also closely linked to each other, but which one comes first? Is it confidence that drives you to take the courage to achieve things? Or is it courage that drives you to be confident enough to make things happen?
The fact is that advancements in digitalisation and artificial intelligence make the labour market nervous. Every day we read about how different industries could be affected or have already been affected by the technical evolution, which jobs will survive and which are most likely to be taken over by robots.
First of all I would like to thank all of you who have supported the launch of I have received a lot of encouraging words and feedback which are all very much appreciated. I am very moved and grateful.
Today’s professional world constantly presents us with new, often, big challenges, but it also offers many new possibilities and ways in which to create and shape it. The more people discover these possibilities...
Creating and shaping have many different dimensions. I see progress in our professional life as one of its most essential dimensions. Progress in terms of enabling ourselves to move forward constantly.
How many people do you know in your social circle unable to move their professional life forward? They complain about not feeling happy and about a lot of things related to their work...
Lately I have been having quite a number of conversations with job seekers who, despite having had a good summer break, find themselves lacking the drive and productivity required to move forward...
No matter how well balanced the approach you take as you go through life and as you follow your career, you are not a robot or a machine. You cannot possibly focus constantly on your progress and success.
The other day I watched an interview with Tony Robbins lead by Kelsey Humphreys, the founder of “The Pursuit”. I felt inspired by some aspects of the interview, which I would like to share with you today...
Let’s look at the future. To be successful in the future and the future is now, requires working together and mutual support. The working world is changing constantly and we are all confronted with so many new challenges, opportunities...
It is so easy to fall back into the trap of staying in your comfort zone and to neglect or “postpone” the work you really want to do. The art is to stay tough when it gets tough. There is and will always be some kind of offer, some opportunity or other...
Yes, why actually bother at all to aspire to achieve more and to want to move forward while things are working just fine? Why bother, as you have already reached your cosy comfort zone - a place where you feel reassured, where you feel good and can therefore see no reason to change.
I am sure that if I asked you to name your values, both personal and professional, that you would be able to list them for me in no time, wouldn’t you? But would you also know what they really mean to you and the ways in which they drive your actions and behaviour?
I encounter many people in the middle of a career transition who often find themselves in the “fear of failure” zone. What if I fail? Yes, and what if you do? What does that really mean? The “fear of failure” concept that they have created for themselves blocks them from moving forward.
Your brand, your trademark, your label or what ever you chose to call it, is the way in which you portray your personal image to the outside world. The way in which you want to be seen or perceived as a person, as an expert in your field and as an indication for what you stand.
Our energy and core motivation come from inside this box, where our true self, our “internal mind”, our soul and true nature live - basically all the key ingredients that create the uniqueness of each individual. So yes, there is nothing wrong with thinking inside the “ME-box”...
Moving forward, winning, wanting, aiming, changing be it in your life and/or career, require some essential qualities. Take the courage and learn from world-class athletes who have become the best in their chosen fields thanks to the following:
This is a note to all Job Seekers: Especially to those who have devoted a long time to the new orientation process and have not been able to achieve what they set out to achieve. To all of you whose self-confidence keeps dropping down a level with each refusal letter...
I love the way "the Design Thinking Playbook" defines and presents the mindset required. Today’s disruptive career philosophy and job search can only be mastered by means of a creative and unconventional way of thinking and a “design thinking” mindset.
Change is often connected with fear, risk and loss. What if you turn this around and connect it with courage and enrichment. Stop thinking about losing and start thinking about gaining and winning. Start small, but do this on a regular basis...
Can you imagine a world in which people have found the courage to create “more future” for themselves? It visualizes for me more open doors, gates and more opportunities. I picture a future that exists “outside the box”, overflowing with drive, energy, courage and much more...
“If one door closes – a huge gate opens instead”. This is the belief of Wisi Zgraggen, a Swiss farmer who lost both his arms in an accident some years ago. Maybe you already know his story thanks to the book by Barbara Lukesch: “A Farmer’s Life – the incredible story of Wisi Zgraggen.”
“All these microphones, all this amplification, and we’re stuck, unable to use them. Not because the amplifier doesn’t work, but because we are unwilling to use it. The Internet has given anyone with something to say the freedom to say it…"
“Diving from roof to roof, vaulting recklessly over the staircase railing to the depths below, landing as lithe as a cat to mount the next house wall and with a somersault continuing on its course. To the “Parkour” no obstacle is too high, no space too wide and no wall too steep.”
"Reflect for a short while and think about some of the opportunities, in either your personal or professional life, which you have missed in the past just because you waited a little too long? What were the consequences of having waited? Did you have to pay a higher price as a direct result?"
“I am, what I do.” It is a matter of course for all of us to introduce ourselves by saying what we do. Now, how do we identify ourselves in an era where one job for life is no longer the norm? Disruptiveness has taken over. We recognize that a disruptive career progression is not a straightforward path...
“Turn over a new leaf, then keep on turning” is the strategy I would advise many job seekers to adopt from now on. Reform and start over, start afresh, start behaving differently, completely revise one’s job search strategy and...
If you have not yet sat down to reflect on what happened in 2016, then now is the time to do so. A courageous and strong start needs a courageous and strong end. A courageous and strong end requires that you look back with your eyes wide open and a strong sense of self-confidence.
I wish you and your loved ones, with all my heart, a Happy New Year! A year full of happiness, health, peace, joy, success and of course COURAGE. It could be a magical year, during which all your wishes and dreams come true… A bit of magic wouldn’t be bad, would it?
I think “disruption” is a very good excuse to bring new life and energy to a very old and somewhat jaded routine. Take the courage to “disrupt” your Christmas celebration in any way you see fit...
As the year is coming to an end, I took a little time to reflect on the different types of courage that had actually helped my clients to move forward over the past 12 months. No matter which aspects of the new orientation process and the process of moving forward I studied, what applied in all cases was...
I am sure that over the course of the year you have put a lot of focus, energy and drive into your job search process and I want to congratulate you! You can be proud of yourself and of the fact that you have invested so much time and willpower into your future...
This year’s “TEDxZurich” took place last week in the SRF studios, the aim of which was to present ideas worth spreading. As stated by the moderator, it provided a platform for “openness, curiosity, generosity, PEOPLE FIRST and not power first”.
Yes, the future is full of possible destinations and opportunities, but that doesn’t come for free, it requires hard work and courage. One’s personal abilities play a vital role and there are some additional attributes that contribute to one’s success...
I spent the last three weeks travelling with my family in South Africa. I used the time wisely to rejuvenate and refresh my mind. I went offline, let my spirit and soul run free and focused on the South African landscape and the wild animals in their natural habitat and was completely overwhelmed...
And yes, it has also reached the career world. Disruptive careers, disruptive job searches! Disruptive is defined as: “being unable to continue in the normal way or throwing into disorder.” In short, unexpected, impactful…
"If you love something, feel the inner conviction burning inside you and want to realize it from the bottom of your heart, you just have to do it. Pure egoism is dismissible if you want to be successful and pursue self-realisation. Turn the impossible into the possible."
One could say that the present is the immediate future. One works, sets goals, makes decisions and has experiences, learns new things, grows and matures a little more each day. Consequently one’s future should be mapped out no problem… well, maybe not quite nowadays…
It is amazing how drastically this little word “BUT” can overshadow the present and the future. From one moment to other it impacts the flow, energy and self-confidence of an individual and creates a sense of doubt, fear and impossibility...
I often encounter people who find themselves in some sort of vacuum between their past and future making their new orientation process and job search very difficult. The past often seems too far away and the future too difficult to reach...
Unfortunately there are job seekers and employers out there whose branding and marketing are based on attractive and unrealistic promises rather than on reality. Basically that means, job seekers who promote themselves claiming to have experiences and capabilities that they actually do not have and...
Dear Job Seekers, believe me, taking a proper summer break will boost your job search and enable you to focus even better. No employer is interested in hiring “dried up” personnel. Refuel by enjoying your holiday without having a guilty conscience. A job search is a full time job and you certainly deserve a break!
Having a routine is no bad thing, on the contrary, a routine and working persistently on a topic and following up is essential. However, allowing your job search to be governed by a set routine is just not enough. Energy, drive, forward movement and success come from breaking routines, from getting out, from mixing with others...
Sleepless nights? A heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach? Going over things in your head over and over again. Getting all kind of advice. Moments of certainty and self-assurance one day, followed by moments of fear and doubt the next. Maybe now is not the right time? What if it does not work out? Maybe you should wait for one thing or the other to happen first?
And what about you, how much do you let your life be governed by your levels of courage? In order to be able to answer this question, you might want to take a step back and analyse, what being courageous means to you. How much do you actually know about your personal levels of courage?
Take a moment to think, when was the last time you had a few minutes during which you were able to imagine one thing in your life, be it professionally or privately, that you really want to achieve, or change for the better?
Those of you who have been following my posts and activities on social media, especially LinkedIn, may have recognised that I am an avid follower of Seth Godin ( Seth is an American author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker.
For successful people it is about challenging the status quo of their success and the fear of taking higher risks and leaving the comfort zone of their familiar level of success. In addition it is linked with the fear of failure and the possibility that they might lose what they have already achieved...
Let us take the courage to adopt the “MISHMASH” strategy from time to time. Let us be awakened by its power, be it in our private or professional life, and allow ourselves to be enriched and to achieve our goals...
You have got to admit that life can seem quite boring when lacking inspiration. When you have no drive, little energy, nothing to give you goose pimples, nothing you really wish to achieve or fulfil, whether in your personal or professional life, in short with no inspiration, your life is just plain dull!
I often hear my clients, especially those who have been laid off, complaining about a lack of respect towards them and today I feel the urge to write about it. As far as I am concerned “respect” is one of the most important social values, hence my reason for covering this topic.
This was the motto of this year’s League of Leading Ladies Conference, which took place in Interlaken last week. The conference provided an inspiring platform and was the perfect place to listen to inspirational words from well-known personalities (gentlemen as well as ladies) such as prof. Erin Meyer, Alfredo Häberli, Alexa Clay, Sheila Lirio Marcelo, Alain Visser and many more...
...I wanted to find out what the people of Barcelona would do, or how different their life would be if they had more courage. Obviously the outcome of my interviews is not representative of the whole of Barcelona, but it did give me the “feel” that I was looking for.
The new orientation process is an amazing process. If pursed with drive, conviction and an awareness of the impact it can have; it can work miracles. It can change our lives and turn our careers upside down. It can literally lead us to "create a different version of our future and to fall in love with that version"...
Self-branding is an art in itself. I know a lot of people who consider it purely as a marketing tool and neglect its connection with their “inner self” where the essence of self-branding actually comes from.
I personally had never thought of innovation or creativity in connection with pirates, hackers, gangsters, or camel milk traders. Of course we all know that they function at some level, but most of the time we have a negative impression of the way in which they operate.
Sometimes it is good to look at things from a different perspective and to tackle things from a different angle. Take “Courage” for example - it is considered to be rather a serious subject and most of us would really have to think about what the term courage really means for us?
I love Ted talks. They are a huge source of inspiration and learning. The other day I came across Nadine Champion’s “10 seconds of courage” talk. As a direct result of listening to her I learned some facts about courage from a fighter’s point of view and I would like to share them with you in this blog.
I have been focusing on inspiring and helping people throughout their new orientation process, be it private or professionally, for four years now. Last year I decided to take a step back and think about my philosophy and my focus...
Whichever values we decide – these form our basis and these are what differentiate us from others. These are the essence of who we are and form our foundation. Our values define the frame of everything we do in life and become part of who we are; in essence, they represent us...
Valuable space is all too often taken up by information overload and this denies us room for reflection, for visions, dreams, ideas and projects. This is rather sad. We are, however, masters of our own space...
Whilst leading such a busy and hectic life, each moment planned from morning till evening, weeks and months in advance, how can one ever find time for reflection? Even holidays, that are supposed to provide a means of relaxation...
How about taking this time to appreciate yourself and celebrate what you have been able to achieve and how you have moved forward over the past twelve months? Take a close look at the challenges you have overcome and what you have learned from that process and share your stories...
We often find ourselves lacking the courage we need to escape from our self-imposed box that defines our life, job and future. We find it almost impossible to achieve our goals, to follow our passions, to find the dream job, to overcome our challenges and to live our life in the way in which we would like. How does one shake off this feeling of inertia?
“Prejudice is a chain, it can hold you. If you prejudice, you can't move, you keep prejudice for years. Never get nowhere with that.” This is how Bob Marley feels about prejudice.
If you really want to achieve your aim or objective, THE opportunity, THE dream, what ever you wish to achieve at any given time, it needs FOCUS! Meaning: 100 % vision, 100% inner conviction, motivation and passion, 100 % energy and drive...
It all starts with his PASSION, the driving force behind all his actions. He moves forward with TENACITY, his INTUITION teaches him to do the right thing, his FAITH replaces all doubt, his IMPROVISATION empowers him and his INSPIRATION inspires others.
Day in, day out, people and things inspire us. Be it leaders, role models, books, films, sports stars, nature and so on, we allow ourselves to be affected in one way or another. Some sources of inspiration can often drive us in a certain direction...
How luxurious it makes us feel, how warm and pleasant, just as if we were wrapped up in a soft, down duvet protected. Regardless of the season or our life cycle, we feel protected and comforted …
Advising someone to take the courage to do something is much easier said than done. Some people are fortunate and have been taught to be courageous from the very first moment their life began, some may have learned to be courageous…
An opportunity – a job opportunity – not necessarily the perfect job for you, but a job opportunity nevertheless and right now? To compromise or not to compromise, that is the question. Should you go for it or not?
Regardless of whether or not we are considering school or university drop-outs searching for the right career paths, or others in the process of new orientation or further development in their careers, a great deal of importance is given to personality tests and assessments...
Working towards our goals, thinking strategically, looking for a new job, playing politics to survive, being flexible, being polite and kind, being co-operative and showing good team spirit, multi tasking, playing tough, playing resilient...
Whenever we take the freedom to dream and allow ourselves to generate ideal images of our new home, new job, the way in which we would ideally like to live, the way in which we would like to travel and explore the world and so on, all too often...
When people around us lose their jobs it also affects us, whether we want to admit it or not we tend to feel pity towards them and are afraid to bump into them in case either party feels awkward.
We get advice from all kinds of people who provide different views. They can sometimes offer huge potential to get tips, tricks and solutions for our problems. However it has got its down sides…
I had a number of visions and the wish to grow further, but I found myself far removed from the courage zone and unable to just go and achieve what I wanted to achieve.
I must admit that it took me quite a while to take the courage. If I am completely honest this “quite a while…
With precision, tenacity and grace, he’s risen to the top of the game. The first Australian to win the Masters, he made history at Augusta and became the pride of his country….
During the last five years, since making the decision to step away from my former corporate life, I have made it my business to learn about a number of entrepreneurs, speakers and authors who inspire people to live their passion and to think big. I have …
Through my work I often encounter people who are not aware that they have a unique personality, especially when it comes to the topic of “Self Branding”. Unfortunately one tends to limit oneself to promoting one’s personal qualities purely on a surface level e.g. abilities, competencies, experiences, know-how and education.
Since making the decision to step away from my former corporate life and to take charge of my life and my career I have learned a lot from other successful people.
How different would the world be if people were in control of their energy levels and had found the courage to enrich their lives? I envision a world where people are able to overcome their limits, a world in which people refuse to be put into little boxes that define their lives, job and future.
The world would be a much better place if people could find the courage to move forward and to make the things that matter to them come to fruition – by that, I mean if people could be in a position to achieve things for themselves, for others, or for the world.