Scott Dinsmore took the courage…

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“I believe that the world would be an altogether different place if we all did work that actually mattered to us."

Scott Dinsmore was the creator of:

Live Your Legend
Change the World by Doing Work You Love
& Surround Yourself with the People Who Make it Possible

Last week I heard the very sad news that Scott passed away as a result of being hit by falling rocks while nearing the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro (his lifelong dream).

I did not know Scott personally, but I was inspired by his thoughts and actions. This is the reason why I had the urge to dedicate this short blog to him. The one or the other of you might know him through his inspiring TED talk: How to find work you love. 

Scott had the courage to create a worldwide platform empowering people to live and work for their passion using the following motivation:

“ I believe that the world would be an altogether different place if we all did work that actually mattered to us.”

Scott certainly made the world a different place for many people thanks to his work. I have the greatest respect for him for having taken the courage to do so.
