How do you want to shape your 2021?
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How do you want to shape your 2021?
First of all, let me wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year! I hope that, despite the current situation, you had a courageous start to the year.
Now, how do you want to shape your 2021?
Let me ask you a question: Do you also keep hearing people around you making statements such as: “ Let’s see how 2021 is going to be”, or “Let’s wait and see”? Or maybe you happen to be one of these people? Can you imagine yourself just wanting to wait and see how others will shape the year for you? Can you imagine a year, during which you have been sitting and hoping that things develop the way you wish them to develop, but doing nothing to influence the situation? Can you imagine letting the year just pass by whilst you keep all your goals and wishes at the back of your mind waiting for better times? That would be a real waste of precious time, wouldn’t it?
As always in life you can make a choice between the “bright side” of life or, just the opposite, namely the “dark side” of life. You have the choice to shape this year according to either one of these options.
You can make it a year full of courage, optimism, enthusiasm and energy. A year in which you take the lead and make the things that are important to you happen. You could, make it a year in which, you set goals and move forward. A year, in which you opt for joy, laughter, happiness and being on the winning side.
Or you can make it a year of procrastination and boredom. A year, in which you let the Covid crisis affect your life and work in negative ways. A year, in which you just let things happen to you and let go of your goals, wishes and desires and finding yourself on the losing side at the end of the year.
Let me tell you: You have the choice! Yes 100 %. Even in the darkest moments and most challenging times, you have the choice to find the good and the positive and let it drive your emotions, actions and behaviour. This way you will create the energy and drive to overcome the “dark side” and conquer the negative.
I know it is easier said than done. There are many ways to achieve this. Here are some tips for you from my side:
Commit 100% to your visions and goals by understanding the motivation behind them.
Visualise each one of your goals and examine all its aspects and all its facets. Literally try to live it, bring it to life in your mind, give it shape and colour, feel its power.
Work out solid strategies on how to get where you want to be.
Recognise your fears, but do not let them be the drivers of your actions.
Forget about the “should” “could” and “would”, instead speak the language of courage and confidence: “Want” , “can” and “will”.
Aim to seek out opportunities and to create a chance for yourself in every difficult or negative situation.
Always opt for courage over fear. Take a look at our platform: takethecourage.comt and learn about our sources of inspiration. Register to take part in our workshops and become part of our community. We can help you to achieve what you want to achieve in 2021.
Creativity is needed more than ever on today’s world of work. The book “The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron is a bestseller. It helps you “to discover and recover your creative self.”
Listening and understanding your inner self is another key ingredient in order to move forward. “The Listening Path", Julia Cameron’s new book helps you “to unlock your true creative you via listening”.
Last, but not least, remember it is never too late to start. Take the courage to start at any point in time throughout 2021 and remember that you can always start over. The cost of waiting for better times is far higher than you assume.
Find yourself suffering from New Year blues and not knowing where to start? Let’s talk, that in itself is already a start: (Contact me)