Dear Job Seekers, focus on what you can control and not on what you can't!
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Dear Job Seekers, focus on what you can control and not on what you can't!
It is amazing how time passes. The first month of 2023 is coming to an end very soon and it seems to have been a very busy and hectic month for many people. One topic often discussed in my coaching sessions with my clients this month was the feeling of often being overwhelmed and not in control.
The feeling of being overwhelmed leads, much faster than we realise, to us feeling fearful and doubtful when handling certain situations. Where fear takes over, people usually tend to lose sight of the big picture and of what they can control versus what they can't.
Job seekers are highly dependent on the actions of numerous independent parties such as HR professionals, recruiters, head hunters, consultants, business line owners, as well as members of their own network.
Despite the shortage of skilled workers in Switzerland, hiring processes do not often work as expected. There are always delays, unexpected responses and rejections, or no responses at all. Many hiring processes take far too long, some recruiters act unprofessionally and sometimes even trusted people from one's own network do not meet desired expectations. As a consequence one can tend to focus on what one cannot control versus what one can control and where you can take the lead.
Focussing on what you cannot control, dear job seekers, causes fear and anxiety and absorbs your energy. It takes your focus from what you can influence and makes you concentrate on the things than you can't. It leads to the desire to maintain the status quo and deprives you from realising your real potential, achieving your desired goals and moving forward courageously.
So stop focussing on what you CAN'T control by:
Stop feeling like a victim! Sit in the driving seat and control and navigate your job search from there.
Be your own hero and challenge yourself and your standards on an on-going basis.
Step out of your comfort zone and confront your fears.
Develop a disruptive mindset and start to look for options that you would not normally try. Your courage is key here!
Experience and experiment. If one thing does not work, what could you try next?
Develop the ability to not only look for jobs, but to create them. The key here is to explore the hidden job market.
Allow yourself to be more creative, energetic and unconventional.
If things don't work out the way you would like, take the courage to step back and reflect again on those big, essential questions: Who are you? Which is your USP? What can you do? What do you want? What are your wishes and plans with regard to your future career path and your life in general?
Analyse, question and observe the needs and requirements of the job market and the new world of work.
Examine your self-branding and marketing strategy.
Be mindful, reflect on a regular basis and be aware of your inner self.
Get out, learn, network, get inspired and create your desired future.
Only a strong, courageous and proud “YOU” can be in control!
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