“It’s easy to see why people pay to hear what he has to say.”
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“It’s easy to see why people pay to hear what he has to say.”
Those of you who have been following my posts and activities on social media, especially LinkedIn, may have recognised that I am an avid follower of Seth Godin (www.sethgodin.com). Seth is an American author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker. He is the author of around eighteen international bestsellers. His motto is: “Go – Make something happen”. I love his ability to communicate clearly and concisely. Others, myself included, write long blogs in order to say what we want to say, Seth, on the other hand just uses a few lines to bring his message to the point perfectly. He is amazing. Time Magazine once wrote this about him: “It’s easy to see why people pay to hear what he has to say.”
Today I would like to share some of Seth’s thoughts and statements from his interviews and speeches, most of which I find a great source of inspiration and learning:
“And that is what we do for a living, we tell stories. Not slogans - STORIES…”
“Patience is for the impatient.”
“Who picks average? Who picks mediocre? NOBODY…”
“Ideas that spread win.”
“The product is the marketing.”
“If you can get the first two breaths over with – you are going to get the balloon filled up.”
“…what I am arguing for is, doing the hard work of being original and the difficult part of navigating without a map…that is when you have created value.”
“…when I say artist, I mean somebody who does human work, unpredictable work, who makes a connection with someone else and changes them for the better…”
“You do not deal with fear – you dance with fear.”
Take the courage to find your own appropriate sources of inspiration as you move forward…